Amelia's Place

Friday, December 02, 2005


I was perusing blog skins and came across this beauty. I decided she had to be the herald of my author blog--without courage this ship is going nowhere fast!

I like her, she's bold and beautiful and all fairy like.

I sent off Triple X to two trusted friends who will probably have more to say than "oh it was good". One already pointed out that I inadvertently named one of my MCs after a New Kid on the Block--bwahahahahaha! Ah, what your subconscious will vomit up when writing under pressure. He'll be getting a new last name in revisions!

Still working on the Amber Quill story. I find that when I get stuck, it usually means I'm going too fast, trying to get the story out too quickly. That's where I'm at now, so I'm headed back to rework a bit.

Busy busy!


  • At 12/04/2005 9:03 AM, Blogger Amelia June said…

    I often surf over and feed my neopet and play goofy games there when I'm stuck--I think I'm getting carpal tunnel syndrome from the typing game...

    Thanks for the link and all your encouragement--it's so cool to have a mentoress!


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