Amelia's Place

Friday, December 30, 2005

Happy New Year!

Well, the craziness of the month has finally waned, and I'm winding down the last few days of 2005 with my husband and kids. Sweet. I even went shopping three days in a row, lol.

I have nothing new to report, writing-wise. I have a few more tweaks to make on my AQ story, based on a few last minute readers. Then, off to the judges. I'm surprisingly non-invested in winning. Winning would be awesome, but it is the process that I value here. Plus, the story made the perfect winter holiday gift for my husband (that's why it was a secret). "The Jason Factor" made him laugh and contains a dozen inside jokes, including a main character that he found *very* familiar. I had it bound, with a cover designed by a graphic artist friend of mine. Thus I have my first book in print! Hee hee.

I've been working my way through some fantasy novels with erotic themes for inspiration. Research is good. I also have a list of recommended erotic romance to dive in to, but that requires more (online) shopping rather than a trip to the library, so I'm holding off for a while to give the budget a rest.

Overall, life is on the right track, peaceful and plentiful.

Here's to a prolific 2006!


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