Amelia's Place

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

The Contest

I entered announces the winners tomorrow. Here's what I wonder--if I won, wouldn't they have let me know by now? Advance notice and all that?

Well. I'm a bit anxious to find out, even though my chances are slim. Still, it would be great to win--to be published for the very first time. Thrilling, really. I think I can submit The Jason Factor a few other places if I don't, though. May as well, I'm quite fond of the story and the feedback I received was positive as well.

I have a new story idea for an anthology being published about women on top, so to speak. It involves the dentist--big shock since I've spent more time in the dentist chair lately than at home...I think it will make a good story, just have to appeal to the muse. Wonder if she likes coffee and chocolate.


  • At 2/28/2006 11:31 AM, Blogger Pink Pen said…

    Hey Amelia,

    I'm freaking out about it too... I did a Technorati search to see who else is obsessing *grin*
    From what I've seen, no, we won't find out 'til tomorrow (gah! my tummy's in knots!)

    My fingers are crossed for both of us!


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