Amelia's Place

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

The Great Move

I've moved! I'm settling in here:


I *think* this will be a good move for me, several reasons why. There may be some construction dust around.

If you want to read protected entries (largely dirty), please let me know in an email and I will put you on the list (you need a LJ account, free).

Email me here:


And It's Official

I officially did NOT win.

Oh well. I really didn't expect to. It's kind of like gambling, you know you are going to lose, but you get a little excited anyway at the possiblity of winning.

It's ok, I'm not devestated or even really discouraged. Give me a few more rejections, then we'll talk. But this is something I want to do, so I'll keep plugging away. I've already found another place to submit The Jason Factor, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed and I'm going to keep plugging away at new stuff. Someday...heh. I have a hard time putting fingers to keyboard as it turns out. I'll get to it, though, I'm not giving up on this dream. No way.